Letter of thanks for the Widows Sons West Kent

“All of us from Bromley Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum are incredibly grateful to the ‘Widows Sons West Kent Masonic Bikers Association – West Kent Freemasons’ also known as ‘WSWK (MBA)’ for their commitment and generosity to our charity over...

Building a Presence in our Community

In these last 18 months, whilst meeting each other has been somewhat of a challenge, we have continued to engage in our local communities in the form of charitable giving. As we return to our normal routines, it is important to maintain and elevate our engagement and...

West Kent Masons Initiate Four Candidates in one go

A wonderful Provincial Spectacular yesterday where the Executive assisted Westerham Lodge in initiating the “Famous Five” at Oakley House. Sadly one of our candidates was taken ill at the last minute but the event proved a resounding success...

Letter of Thanks for Tunbridge Wells Masonic Centre

During the height of the vaccination rollout, Tunbridge Wells Masonic Centre opened its doors to become one of the vaccination centres. Many members volunteered to help and we are very pleased to receive this letter of thanks from Tunbridge Wells PCN Clinical...