Letter Received from Bexley Voice

Bexley Voice are a Parent Carer Forum. They support parents and carers of a child or young person under 25 with a disability or special need living in Bexley. They also give those parents/carers a ‘voice’. Working together to make a difference. Peter...

Relaxation of Restrictions for Masonic Meetings

The new law for England (but not Wales) sets out four Steps for the relaxation of restrictions. Once the law permits Masonic meetings again, they may take place but nobody should attend until he feels comfortable doing so. •    Step 1 – from March 29th  No Masonic...

Porchlight Charity Sends their thanks to West Kent Freemasons

Letter Received by Our Provincial Grand Charity Steward Peter Brooker. Hello Peter, Thank you so much to everyone at the West Kent Freemasonry for your wonderful gift of £500.00 towards Porchlight’s work! Thank you for being so thoughtful of others in what has been a...

Join us for a Whiskey Tasting event on the 19th April

West Kent are holding a Regions of Scotland Whiskey Tasting event via Zoom on the 19th April 2021. This is open to all Freemasons and Friends. You can register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/whisky-tasting-event-tickets-141968255875?aff=ebdsoporgprofile and you...

West Kent’s University Lodge News

West Kent’s University Lodge, Hervey Lodge, has been accepted as a member of the Association of Medical, University & Legal Lodges (AMULL), which will enable the Lodge to assist students with a bursary or a hardship grant if it is required. This is a great...