West Kent Provincial Press Releases 

Almoner Information – GDPR Rules

The following communications release regarding GDPR rules has been received from the Grand Secretary and needs your attention. The refered FAQ's are also attached to this email. I write to you in your capacity as Lodge or Chapter Almoner. Traditionally, many Lodges...

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Coronavirus FAQs

The Grand Secretary has issued the following information regarding administrative FAQ that cover most questions that have arisen following the suspension of meetings.....

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‘Your NHS Needs You’ – NHS call for volunteer army

Mark Estaugh our Provincial Grand, many other West Kent Freemasons and Freemasons across the country have already volunteered to become an NHS Volunteer, most are already on the approved list. We understand another 170,000 have done so in the last 24 hours. If you...

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Member welfare – “let’s stay in touch”

Following the wealth of information we have received during the last few weeks from UGLE and other sources, our members are being increasingly encouraged to minimise physical contact with each other and, in some cases, to self-isolate.  Last night, we hear from the...

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COVID-19 Update from PGM

From the Provincial Grand Master Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we learnt on 17 March that the Most Worshipful Grand Master has suspended all Masonic activity for four months, effectively bringing the Masonic season to an end. Our COBRA team has undertaken a...

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#TimeToToast 9pm

From UGLE's Communications Team Freemasons are inviting the whole country to toast ‘absent friends, and those working on the frontline in the NHS’ at 9pm tonight Freemasons are calling for the whole community to ensure no one feels alone, even if they are physically...

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An update from John Pagella, Grand Superintendent of Works

The suspension of Masonic Activity will undoubtedly have an affect upon our Masonic Centres and will give rise to a number of concerns. The Chancellor of the Exchequer in his recent budget announced a raft of measures designed to protect the national economy, and over...

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A message from the Grand Secretary

In these testing times, I have already been immensely impressed by the determination shown by a number of Freemasons to maintain their daily advancement in Masonic knowledge, and how receptive everyone has been to the challenges we face. As the joint letter that I,...

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