West Kent Provincial Press Releases 

A new specialist pink bike for 5 year old April

Charity is one of the principal cornerstones of Freemasonry, with Charitable giving being a fundamental part of every Freemason’s being. This could not be more eloquently tangibly demonstrated then by a recent charitable cause to improve the quality of life for a 5...

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One Lodge’s trash, is another Lodge’s Treasure

"A few weeks ago, an unexpected treasure trove emerged from Sidcup – a collection of seemingly discarded items bound for oblivion in a skip. Yet, as fate would have it, these items proved to hold more value than meets the eye. Ballot boxes, weathered banners, and...

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My 72 Hole Golf Challenge on 21st June 2023 by Bipin Patel

The thought of playing 72 holes had never crossed my mind and under normal circumstances this is not something I would consider. At our first Provincial Golf event I met Paul McGuirk, who looks after the golf in East Kent. He sent me details of the challenge. I did...

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