The Mayor of Sevenoaks Cllr Marilyn Canet introduced the commonwealth day event,
2022 theme is “Delivering A Common Future: Connecting,Innovating,Transforming”
Revd Cannon Angus MacLeay lead the Prayers for the Commonwealth and Her Majesty the Queen and a mention for the people of Ukraine.
The assembled group of invited guests of and in the community, heard a Affirmation by Deputy Lieutenant Nick Hely-Hutchinson.
The commonwealth Flag was raised by Westerham Sea Cadets @10.00 and the flag flew proud in the sunny spring morning, a Group of five Proud and upright West Kent Brethren included Two Fellow crafts, Two Masters of local Lodges and myself were equally as resplendent with our Red west Kent Ties on show.
Freemasonry was well represented and received by all and remarks from the Mayor’s team on Freemasons in the community on all the good involvement carried out.