West Kent Provincial Press Releases 

A Helpers View from Tunbridge Wells Masonic Vaccination Centre

By Ian Butler - Holmesdale Lodge 874 "As one begins the journey in Freemasonry, it is Charity that is the overriding principle, which steers the Mason along the path of goodness. During 2020, the Brethren of Tunbridge Wells used their ‘free time’ to undertake the...

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West Kent helps provide Vital Distance Learning Equipment

Ken Parry-Husband of Justin Lodge approached the Province with a request to help provide vital distance learning equipment for Southborough Primary School, Bromley. Justin Lodge has already raised over £2,000 and the Province contributed an additional £1,500 towards...

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West Kent helps to start new Foodbank

Kirk Bentt of Erdemont Lodge is a teacher at the Ravensbourne School, Bromley (close to Oakley House). The school is a large comprehensive with over 1600 pupils and many of the families of these children are struggling to afford food and basic household products. Kirk...

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Pastoral Care Team Update on Weight Loss Initiative.

After a successful launch of the Weight Loss Initiative we currently have 82 participants and after just three weeks we have 185.44lb or 84.11kg weight lost with only 32 participants reporting so far. We will be holding a Zoom Call update on Sunday 31st January at...

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It’s my life thank you letter

On behalf of It's My Life Trust, I would like to thank you and your organisation for considering It's My Life Trust to be a recipient of the funds, £1150 from the Virtual Balloon Race.

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