Following the recent introduction of UGLE’s “First Rising”, we have taken the opportunity to review our procedures for Provincial Communications which, for the avoidance of doubt, are laid out below.
The Province has been enormously busy in the recent past, with level of activity increasing still further since the pandemic and the Masonic suspension which followed thereafter. Naturally, so as to keep you all informed on relevant matters, this has led to an increase in the number of communications sent to members, and over 75 mail campaigns have been undertaken since last November.
Despite our efforts in this regard, I was extremely disappointed to hear some members stating that they were not receiving our communications, nor being kept informed as they would have wished. We have subsequently established that many of the affected members had either: (i) unsubscribed from our mailing list; (ii) the Province had received incorrect email addresses for them; or (iii) did not have an email address.
In order to rectify this matter, the following communications procedures will apply with immediate effect:-
UGLE Messages
  • All UGLE messaging will now be contained in the “First Rising” publication, which members will receive every three weeks directly from UGLE.
Provincial Messages
  • Urgent messages from the Provincial Grand Master – Grand Superintendent, or those from the Provincial Grand Secretary – Scribe E will be set directly to all members.
All Other Communications.
  • All other member relevant material will be sent to Lodges Secretaries – Scribes E, who will be required to forward ALL information received to their members within 24 hours.
  • All remaining information which is not time bound, will be included in our periodic “West Kent News” publication, which Secretaries and Scribes E will forward as detailed above.
  • From time to time, our Provincial Officers responsible for a particular function, may wish to correspond with their Lodge counterparts and any communication of that nature will be sent directly to the relevant Lodge Officer.
  • In addition to the above, we will also post all relevant messages on our Provincial Website and Social Media Channels.
I understand that not all of our members have internet access or an email account, and we will rely on our Secretaries and Scribes E to forward the messages they receive to these members by alternative means, so that no member remains uninformed on Grand Lodge or Provincial matters. Perhaps for these subset of members, they may wish to forward emails received by WhatsApp, TeamApp or alternatively by first class post.
I would also encourage any member that has yet to do so, to engage with the Province’s Social Media Channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which have proved very effective means of keeping members engaged, informed and up to date.
We will shortly finalise the exercise of updating the 250 incorrect email addresses we have received, and it is essential that Secretaries – Scribes E advise us of a change of a member’s email address as soon as possible. Moreover, the Lodge and Chapter Installation Returns must contain accurate and up-to-date email information, before being forwarded to the Provincial Office.
Ultimately, if you or one of your fellow members is not being kept up to date with information, please advise your Secretary – Scribe E, as they are now responsible for disseminating Provincial correspondence to each of their members.
Kindest regards.
Yours Sincerely and fraternally,


Provincial Grand Master – Grand Superintendent