Thursday 25th February will see the last operating day at Tunbridge Wells Masonic Centre (TWMC) for a week/ Ten days.

Since the start on 14th January there have been 24 full days of vaccinations with 17,200 Tunbridge Wells residents having been through the doors of Our Masonic Centre to receive their vaccination.

The operating days for vaccine at TWMC will restart in March and in the interim the NHS delivery team will be taking the vaccinations out to those unable to leave there residence due to various medical reasons. TWMC will be the Hub for the NHS team to operate from so still important in the fight against Covid.

The membership of TWMC have carried out marshal duty’s in all weather, Snow, ice, temperatures as low as -5 Rain,Wind and even some Sunshine !

Freemasons from just about every Lodge and Chapter meeting at TWMC working together; have covered some 152 shifts (over 610 hours) of Marshalling in 4 hours units. Chatted with the public and been ensuring the swift safe parking and marshalling of the public.

The Happy band of 58 brethren suitably attired in Hi-Viz waistcoats complete with “West Kent Freemasonry” logo have always given their time freely and promoted the Masonic Principles to the upmost. The next BIG push of vaccinations will need each and everyone of the brethren and there families to work together to support the Amazing NHS team to “Get the job done”.

Freemasons working together to be relevant and active in our community raising the Profile of the Tunbridge Wells Masonic Centre and the Province of West Kent as a whole. The reward of Labour has seen the Happiest faces seen for ages…