I’m delighted to advise you that the Province of West Kent has subscribed as a key supporter of the above and we plan to take part in the following activities to mark this important national event.

I am appealing to all members to join me in this important day at the following: –

“Two-minute silence” across the Province at 11:00am


  • To honour and remember the men and women from the NHS, Social Care and other Key services on the front line who lost their lives in their service to others.


  • Members and their families to join me in a 2-minute silence at 11:00am,
  • Members to post suitable pictures of silence being observed on the Provincial closed Facebook Group.

Two minute “Clapping our Heroes” across the Province at 8:00pm


  • Clapping in the street showed our support for those who waged the battle against coronavirus and was an amazing, spontaneous and heartfelt reflection of the public’s appreciation.


  • Members and their families to open our doors and windows, stand in our gardens, streets and other locations at 8:00pm,
  • Members to post suitable pictures of the applause on the Provincial closed Facebook Group.

A special Provincial “Time to Toast” for members and their families at 9:00pm


  • To gather together with our families to remember those who waged the battle against coronavirus and to thank those who are still saving lives and keeping essential services going.


  • Members and their families are invited to join Ray Armstead at 9:00pm for a Provincial “Time to Toast” via Zoom, details of which will be published on our Provincial Website,
  • Members to post suitable pictures of their participation on the Provincial closed Facebook Group.

In addition, I encourage all members to forward the pictures taken on the day to communications@westkentfreemasons.org.uk so that we can promote these pictures still further on our other Social Media channels and assist Freemasonry to raise its profile in the Community still further.

Should you require any further information, further details of event can be found at https://www.nhsfrontlineday.org/ and very much hope that you will join me in encouraging all our members to join with me in supporting this important initiative.

Kindest regards

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Mark Estaugh

Provincial Grand Master – Grand Superintendent