I realise that there have been a lot of communications over the past month and I have been waiting for an opportunity to write to you all expressing my support and concern during this very difficult time. I sincerely hope that you are keeping well or recovering if you have been unwell.
I have been “virtually” meeting with the ME Grand Superintendent, the Dep. Prov. Grand Master and the ProvGScE every Monday and our primary concern has been the welfare of our members and the survival of our Masonic Centres. I am delighted that the ME Grand Superintendent released his address to the Province yesterday, which you can find on the Provincial Website (, and, as you will hear, this launches the WK Provincial Emergency Fund to support members and other worthwhile Covid-19 projects in the community during this period. I am delighted that this safety net has been established and sincerely hope that members in difficulty will apply for assistance.
I would like to encourage you to keep in touch with your fellow Companions, some Chapters are having “on line” chat meetings which are proving very popular and details on setting these up are on the Provincial Website but Companions, a friendly phone call is always appreciated. My thanks to our Chapter Almoners for all they are doing.
The support that has been given by Lodges and Chapters to their Centres has been superb with the vast majority paying their dues for the year and many making an additional contribution as their Byelaws allow. This will go a long way to enabling our Centres to survive the shutdown.
Companions these are very strange and worrying times for us all, from the MEGS to the newest Exaltee we are all experiencing the same, I salute and thank those who are working to care for and feed the nation including the local government employees. I thank those of our number who have volunteered to return to their former employment and those who have volunteered for community service, when I clap on Thursdays I applaud you all.
Companions in closing, please stay well and stay safe, if you are unwell please recover quickly, follow the guidance and as Her Majesty the Queen said, “we will meet again”.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all,
Yours sincerely and fraternally,
Brian Saunders PGSwdB
Deputy Grand Superintendent