I am delighted to advise you that The Most Worshipful, The Grand Master has been pleased to honour the following Brethren in the Province with Craft Grand Ranks, which become effective on 28 April 2021: –

First Appointments
Christopher William Martin ASHBY – PAGDC
Anthony Lee GARDNER – PAGStB
Roger Adrian MALLETT –  PAGStB

Daniel John SPENCER from PAGStB to PSGD
Andrew Charles WADDINGTON from PJGD to PSGD
Ronald Hugh FAULDS from PAGDC to PJGD
Antony David George HARVEY from PAGDC to PJGD
George Charles BUCKBERRY from PGStB to PAGDC

Peter Geoffrey LOWNDES – ProGM
Robert Gregory TUTHILL –  AGStB

In addition, The Most Excellent, the First Grand Principal, has been pleased to honour the following Companions in the Province with Royal Arch Grand Ranks, which become effective on 29 April 2021: –

First Appointments
Roger John FRIEND – PGStB

Michael William STILLWELL from PGStB to PAGSoj
Michael Edwin BURTON from PAGDC to PGStB

I trust that you will join me in wishing the recipients hearty congratulation on their preferment.

Given that the Annual Investiture for Craft and Royal Arch will sadly not take place in April this year due to the current restrictions, we hope to celebrate with the recipients of Grand Rank in 2020 and 2021 with this years Provincial Grand Officers later in the year.

Yours sincerely and fraternally
Mark Estaugh

Provincial Grand Master – Grand Superintendent