The Provincial Grand Master of The Province of West Kent today presented a cheque for £4000 to the Kent and Sussex Air ambulance Trust on Behalf of the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF). He was happily accompanied by Bros. Karl Lawton of Camellia Thea Lodge and Fernando Caicedo of Westwood Lodge and their families.
To the children’s disappointment, the Air ambulance was unable to make an appearance due to weather conditions, but this gave us an insight into how this wonderful service copes in such conditions! They have a number of specially equipped cars on standby, one of which joined us today. It was crewed by Ben Macauley the paramedic, and Dr. Maja Gavrilovsky who kindly answered all our questions, and received the cheque on the trust’s behalf.
They said – in unison! – that without the generous donations of organisations like the MCF
“we would be unable to offer our life-saving service to the people of Kent, Surrey and Sussex 24 hours of every day of every year!”
Nick Turrell who heads up Community Fund Raising for the trust, echoed these sentiments and thanked us very graciously.