The Masters and brethren of the provinces of East and West Kent are delighted to have recently assisted Maidstone Hospital Brachytherapy Dept with a gift of £11621 to enable the purchase of an IsoLoader and a Urine flow meter. These vital pieces of equipment will improve and speed up the treatment of Prostate Cancer. The flow meter allows accurate measurement to take place within the dept (saving time and relieving pressure on other depts) while the Isoloader allows the accuracy of the actual treatment to be much improved (and allowing 2 operating lists per week). The delivery of radio-active therapy to a specific site within the prostate essentially means less radiation is used to deliver better results. The effect of this is less invasive and in the right patients delivers more successful outcomes.
The Freemasons were generously given a demonstration of this lifesaving kit. To be clear on how it all works the following information should help…
Prostate LDR (Low Dose Rate) seed Brachytherapy is a curative treatment for localised prostate cancer which involves permanently implanting the prostate gland with radioactive seeds. Their short-range radioactivity treats the cancer in the prostate and spares nearby organs from radiation as much as possible. Rather than inserting 100 or so seeds individually, needles each containing a row of radioactive seeds within a fine plastic strand are implanted swiftly under ultrasound guidance. During brachytherapy, the IsoLoader is used in the sterile operating theatre to safely assemble bespoke strands of radioactive seeds to optimise the radiation dose throughout the individual prostate gland. Maidstone was the first hospital in Europe to use the IsoLoader.
Mr Mark Estaugh Provincial Grand Master of West Kent said …
“how wonderful it is that 2 Masonic provinces can come together and assist in the provision of life-saving care for men in all parts of the county. Truly this is a demonstration of how shared values can benefit all”
Amanda Williams, Head of Radiotherapy Services said
“We are incredibly thankful to the Freemasons for this donation and their ongoing support, allowing us to lead the way with treatment in this field. By using this equipment and the unique method of delivery we have developed, we can continue to deliver world-class cancer treatment to our patients.”